
Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



MZDH0850 High-Resolution Series

PL: Coaxial illumination with polarizing lens
(Patent publication number:CN 202025119 U)
◆ Polarizer Lens is used to improve the contrast of video output and get the best contrast photograph. Especially fits for the condition of crystalloid inspection.
MA: With fne-adjustable device
(Patent publication number:CN 202049285 U)
◆ Attached with fine-adjustable device under objective. Can realize the functions of focus fine- adjusted rapidly in the condition of different focal plane observation.
SA: Light path 180°transition
(Patent publication number:CN 202049284 U)
◆Can observe special interspace conveniently or observe straitness distance mark between two points on subminiature objects.
C-UP: Coaxial illumination
◆ Excellent coaxial illumination, especially suitable for maufacture, inspection of LCD and observation of reflective objects.

RA: Light path 90°transition

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